Saturday, June 21, 2008


Who are these girls and why do they look so grown up?!?!?!

Not only were they grown up, but they were also *goofy*

Ella is turning 11 next week. This year, as a party, she decided to go to a movie and to lunch in the mall with her two BFFs.

It was a blast.

I had to laugh because when we were going over the schedule, Ella was concerned that there seemed to be some "lag" time, and what would we do in the mall. I said we could ride the carousel there. Her reply? "Mom. We're. Eleven."

Note the pictures of three very happy girls on the carousel.


theorivas said...

Happy Birthday, Ella! It looks like you had a great time celebrating! What movie did you see? We just saw Kung Fu Panda yesterday.

Jessica said...

That is the movie we saw! It was great, I thought. One of her friends said she had, "Way underestimated it" lol.